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State Of the Art / Get Your Free Net Phone Calls Here

2007.08.02. 10:50 AdSafari

Stuart Goldenberg An Ooma box allows free calls to anyone in the United States, linking the home phone to broadband. It also provides a free second line. By DAVID POGUE The price of home phone service has dropped 30 percent since 1999. Surely, say the analysts, that trend line…

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On a Home Network, the Right Drive Means Storage for All

2007.08.02. 10:49 AdSafari

By LARRY MAGID It does not take much effort these days to accumulate several hundred gigabytes of data. A few hundred songs, a couple of vacations’ worth of photos, a dozen movies and television programs — and suddenly the 80 gigabyte hard drive in the notebook computer is…

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what is the iPhone

2007.08.02. 10:41 AdSafari

The iPhone is a multimedia and Internet-enabled quad-band GSM EDGE-supported mobile phone designed and sold by Apple Inc. The iPhone's functions include those of a camera phone and a multimedia player, in addition to text messaging and visual voicemail. It also offers Internet services including…

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Tip of the Week / iChat AV: Fixing Bad Audio Chats

2007.08.02. 10:39 AdSafari

This is an old trick, but I forgot to include it in the previous edition of the this book... so... here it is: If you’re having an audio chat, and the audio becomes garbled or is dropping out a lot, you can have iChat try to improve the connection using this simple trick. Just click the…

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Windows 95 füstjétől az iPhone lángjáig

2007.07.30. 17:14 AdSafari

Az iPhone-t minden idők legnagyobb várakozásával övezett technológiai termékének kiáltotta ki a média. Persze, nem először történik ez; az elmúlt években sok hasonló őrületnek voltunk már tanúi. Volt, hogy milliárdos reklámhadjárat kellett a hisztéria keltéséhez, volt,…

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