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Mail Unread Menu 2.5.1

2007.08.17. 08:12 AdSafari

About Mail Unread Menu A simple menu bar application which can provide you with a quick and easy way to see how many unread email messages are in Apple’s Mail. Unlike other menu bar notification applications, Mail Unread Menu is actually a plugin for, which means that the count is…

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2007.08.17. 08:11 AdSafari

About Skype Hello. We’re Skype and we’ve got something we want to share with you. We’ve got a simple bit of software we want to give you. It’ll let you make free phone calls to your friends all over the world. And we don’t want any money for it. It’s free. You…

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Synchronize! Pro X 5.0.7

2007.08.17. 08:09 AdSafari

About Synchronize! Pro XA professional-strength file synchronization and back up utility. It makes bootable back ups of your Mac OS X system disk and synchronizes files between any two folders. It keeps the newest files in two locations by copying any newer file from one folder over an older version…

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Versatility sculpted in Aluminium

2007.08.17. 07:49 AdSafari

     With its elegant anodized aluminum enclosure, the Apple Keyboard looks equally at home in your living room or on your desk. Just connect it to the USB port on your Mac and start enjoying the crisp, responsive feel of its low-profile keys. The extended…

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Az Apple bemutatja a Safari Windows változatát

2007.08.17. 07:47 AdSafari

Az Apple a WWDC fejlesztői konferencia és szakkiállítás megnyitóján bemutatta saját web-böngésző szoftverének a Safari programnak legújabb változatát, mely már Mac és Windows rendszerekre is letölthető. A Safari 3 a jelenleg elérhető leggyorsabb, ugyanakkor legkönnyebben…

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